yes, things look a little different around here.
long story short i messed up, bigly (i know words I have the best words).
see, what had happened was:
i manage several websites and i do all the behind the scenes work where they’re hosted.
over the years, i made a mess of my files, folders, databases, etc.
basically, i looked under the hood and what a mess!
it was so unorganized it was better for me to move, burn everything down and start anew.
that’s right, if i can’t clean or organize something i will move or destroy it. might not be good for business, but i did what i wanted to do.

now all my domains are under one roof and my shared server is neat and organized.
having said, i lost some stuff because i was premature in a request to hosting company.
i didn’t freak out, but used the opportunity to start anew.
so, technically, this is not a “new” blog, it’s a continuation of what was.
i grabbed a few of my older posts from a previous blog of mine and added them here. mostly, to entertain new folk who might be stopping by.
however, chances are you haven’t read my old material so go dig around in my archives and see what i’ve been thinking.
until next time.