which kid are you?

what does it mean when your mother calls, asks you for your email address (she has it in her contacts) and you tell her it’s my initials, my birth date @whatever.com and she gets it wrong! she repeated it back to me and gave me the wrong answer and i’m like “mom, how can you …

questions and answers

i have questions, maybe you have the answer(s). if you can help me out with them. 1. why does it take 6 to 8 weeks to get the first copy of a magazine subscription? what are they doing weeks 1-5? 2. is withholding information the same thing as lying? you have knowledge of something contrary …

five little bits

i was tagged me for a meme so here goes my five little bits (about me) meme… 1. i thought about becoming an actress because i can cry on cue. i’m sensitive, not to the point where i can’t be rubbed the wrong way, for how else will i be polished, but i’m an emotional being. …