i have questions, maybe you have the answer(s). if you can help me out with them.
1. why does it take 6 to 8 weeks to get the first copy of a magazine subscription? what are they doing weeks 1-5?
2. is withholding information the same thing as lying? you have knowledge of something contrary to what someone believes to be true. lying without saying a word?
3. how come when you’re driving on the street where your car belongs and you hit someone in the street, they give you the breathalyzer?
4. why is the plastic packaging on kid toys adult-proof? it’s like they really don’t want the kid to have the toy. have you ever tried to open that hard plastic they ship toys in? then once you get it open they tie the little toy down to the cardboard box with a twist tie and tape just to mess with you more.
5. why is it that we call out from work when we are not really sick, but will go to work when we are sick as a dog coughing on everything and everybody?
6. why do kids want water at 3:00 a.m.? they go all day without water and just when your sleep is getting good, you hear: “mommy”, “daddy”, i want some water.
7. how come people ask this question like the answer is just out there somewhere: which came first the chicken or the egg? the chicken came first. if you believe there is a god, he created the chicken first, then it reproduced. if you don’t believe there is a god, then you go on not knowing the answer to this question.
and my last question, for now……
8. why do crossing guards hold up traffic for grown, walking adults to cross the street? i’m sitting in my car waiting to go and one lady thought she was on the catwalk. i said to myself: if she pivots, i can’t be responsible if i press on the gas. they are walking, let them wait!