it took me weeks to realize the television was not being watched until it was time for jeopardy.
when jeopardy was over i’d turn it off.
240 channels and i’m paying comcast to watch four channels i used to get for free.
every show i watch can be seen on regular television.
monday thru friday – jeopardy (abc)
monday – the good doctor and manifest (nbc)
tuesday – black lightning (wpix)
thursday – how to get away with murder (abc)
i called comcast to see what they could do for me and while they did discount my bill by $20 a month; upon further discussion, i could reduce my bill by $60-$70 by getting rid of cable and the phone and only paying for internet.
with the exception of black lightning, which comes on at 9 p.m., i don’t want to stay up until 11:00 p.m. watching television.
enters hulu. for $5.99 a month, i can watch the shows i want when i want.
now, before i returned my equipment to comcast, i did an internet search on digital antennas and found one for $27.
i buy everything from amazon because i’m lazy and they deliver.
when it arrived, it took me all of 5 minutes to connect it to my television, run a scan and just like that I have 50 channels to watch, if i want to, for less than 30 bucks.
more importantly, i have the three networks i need in HD.
i’m happy with my digital antenna and even bought one for a friend.
unfortunately, she lives so deep in the woods, the only show the antenna could pull in was arthur. yes, the cartoon.
if you live a good distance from a broadcasting company then a digital antenna might not work for you.
if you don’t live in the boondocks, then a digital antenna could be in your future.
below is a video of *not* me returning my equipment to comcast.