i was tagged me for a meme so here goes my five little bits (about me) meme…
1. i thought about becoming an actress because i can cry on cue. i’m sensitive, not to the point where i can’t be rubbed the wrong way, for how else will i be polished, but i’m an emotional being. i have been known to weep over commercials, comic strips, little house on the prairie, songs, tv shows, the news or anything that touches my heart. hey, somebody has to balance the universe for those who refuse to work up an emotion. no one would ever suspect i’m a closet crier, people who don’t know me think i’m serious and strong when in reality, i’m soft and pink.
2. i had an idea for an invention that never came to fruition called lifeguard. i partnered with a company that helped me market the idea from the usa to china and not one bite. kids are still being left in the car to die and oprah did not return my emails. i was called on to do several radio interviews to introduce my product to the public but ended up doing just one show.
3. i have the ability to make myself dream about whatever i want and to know that i’m dreaming and change the outcome if i don’t like it. it doesn’t happen on command and sometimes it takes a few days for the dream to come, other times it’s like popping in a dvd of my choice. i also use this gift to find things that i have lost by dreaming where i may have left it. it’s kind of creepy and fun at the same time and i can feel touch in my dream. can anybody else do this? in random dreams most of the time i’m being chased by godzilla or some big monster destroying stuff; maybe this bothers me because he’s making a mess or i run out of fear of being eaten. i do not follow astrology nor can i dream the mega million numbers. sorry.
4. as a child when mom would take us to large arenas, i would always get lost (at least that’s what mom says), but even at a young age, i had sense enough to find the lost and found, wait to be picked up and not cry about it! this happened many times and she always came back for me. today, i have no sense of direction. if my block wasn’t a square, i would get lost going around the corner. i’ve been lost so many times, the places now look familiar and i’m proud to point out: i was lost here!
5. i freaking cheated on this meme. i had to go to my ‘about me’ page to find out about me. how freaking lame is that? the thing is, i don’t like talking about myself when asked, the inquiry feels like a test i’m going to fail because i don’t have the answers. i don’t like the spotlight and yes, i share things about myself on this blog, but i never thought anyone would read it. i was trying to find myself and always had a place to go. i’m comfortable in the back seat, in the corner or sitting next to the fly on the wall, listening. i feel it’s an overwhelming question that will be answered over time and maybe i rather not respond like i’m under the time constraints of a final jeopardy answer.
maybe i’m full of crap.