hopefully, we are all a work in progress and aren’t simply the person we were yesterday with no additional growth ever. at least i am.
in some way, big or small, i am always working on myself. i always want to be better than i was the day before.
to be a better person, to be consistent with my goals and create good habits. i fail often and have to start over and i’m okay with starting over. one thing i won’t do is give up.
there are two habits, not necessarily bad, that give me the most sorrow and always backfire on me.
the first one is deleting emails and text messages or throwing things out i may need later too soon.
it’s the equivalent of throwing out a box with the recipe on the back i was following only later having to dig in the garbage to retrieve it because i don’t remember what i was supposed to do.
i don’t like my inbox full of emails, 5 emails in my inbox is too many. i delete items so quickly that people at work have started typing *don’t delete* in emails to me.
it’s not until later that i realize i needed the thing i deleted but have no way of getting it back because i deleted it. this creates more work for me.
text messages also don’t live long on my phone either. oftentimes, people will respond to me hours or days later and i have no idea what they are talking about because that message is gone.
possible solutions
i may have found one way to protect me from myself as far as my inbox and documents i save on my hard drive.
i created a folder outside of my inbox called follow-up or keepers and then i drag emails into that folder to be dealt with later. so far, i’m okay with this, it just can’t stay in my inbox.
regarding work documents, this one is still hard and requires a lot of thinking. before i delete something from my hard drive, i wait a few more days before i pull the trigger just in case i need to refer to it again.
i don’t care too much about text messages, but did you know there are people who never delete their text messages from everyone who has ever texted them? seconds after our conversation is over, i’m swiping left. delete.
i knew i need “help” when
i recently threw out vacation pictures on an SD card because someone told me it had an error message. i didn’t bother to check the card; i just tossed it.
i thought it was one i had that split open and was no longer good. it wasn’t. i forgot i had write-protected the card for safekeeping.
instead of checking the card myself and so quick to get rid of a thing, i tossed it out. when i realized what i had done, i was sick. i’m still hurting and it’s when i realized i needed to slow my roll.
i’m working on it
the other “bad” habit i want to change is never finishing what i start
“i don’t like my inbox full of emails, 5 emails in my inbox are too many. i delete items so quickly that people at work have started typing *don’t delete* in emails to me. ”
OMG Val, I am the same way!!!!!! I’m also that way when it comes to deleting texts from my phone. I know some people who keep their texts for year and years! I’m thinking, “WHY?!?!” What I’ve started to do (several years ago) is placing certain emails that I think I may want to keep for later, by placing them in “archived” or “saved emails.” That way I have them, but don’t have to LOOK at a full email box.
However, I like your idea about saving them (and documents) on a hard drive. Also, a good idea for my photographs.
I think (know) the reason why I’m constantly deleting things is because I don’t like clutter. It makes me feel overwhelmed. So that’s why I’m always looking for things to delete and keep clean.
I’m like Joan Crawford. LOL!
i can’t do it ron. too many emails or text messages freak me out. i do need to slow my roll sometimes with how fast i be deleting stuff because it bit me in the butt later and i’m like darn, i needed that. some things on my work hard drive go to trash and other things are permanently deleted. i think the folder option and just waiting another few days helps a lot.
clutter is yuck. can’t stand it. so glad we are alike. 🙂